Jay Flanagan

My Experience

Williston Academy, East, Hampton, Massachusetts, 1967
Boston University College of business administration, 1967-1969
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1969–1971 B.A.

Garyn Builders Hicksville, New York
Project manager, 1973 – 1976
Residential Builder

9 Cross St Newport 1978 – 1981 Historic Tax Credit restoration of 1720 colonial
home with Placement on National Register of Historic Sites

Society of Real Estate Appraisers

Courses 101,102 appraising Residential Properties

Course 201,,202 appraising income properties

Harvard graduate school of design
Condominium design and development 1985

Harvard graduate school of design shopping center development 1986

1992 Bell Tower Plaza residential subdivision, 10 homesites, Bristol, Rhode Island

97-99 Almy St Providence RI 6 Unit Condominium development

Tides Condominiums 217 Hope St., Bristol, RI, Historic Tax credit restoration of
Victorian home into 10 unit Waterfront Residences

Potter School, 12 Elm St., Newport, RI Historic Tax Credit development of !890
Potter school and Placed on Nation Historic Register

Gift Hill development, St. John US Virgin Islands residential subdivision, vacation
homes, Subdivision of Site into 7 lots and construction of Luxury Vacation Home

1986-2004 Flanagan appraisal company
Supervising a staff of 10 residential appraisers,

2017-2021 63 Whale Rock Rd Beavertail Jamestown RI construction of Net Zero
waterfront home

2021-2023 Planting Island Marion, Massachusetts, 26 West Ave. Restoration and expansion of waterfront home


Williston Academy, East, Hampton, Massachusetts

1967 – 1969

Boston University College of business administration

1969 – 1971

State University of New York at Stonybrook

1973 – 1981

Garyn Builders Hicksville, New York Project manager

Society Real Estate Appraisers

Course 101,102 Appraising Income Properties

Society Real Estate Appraisers

Course 201,202 Appraising Income Properties

Harvard graduate school of design


Condominium, Design and Development


Harvard Graduate School Of Design Shopping Center Development


Bell Tower Plaza Residential Subdivision, 10 Homesites, Bristol, Rhode Island

1989 – 2006

Condominium Development

State University of New York at Stonybrook

1997 – 1999

Almy Street Condominiums, Almy St., Providence, RI

Potter School, 12 Elm St., Newport, RI Development

Gift Hill development, St. John US Virgin Islands Residential Subdivision, Vacation Homes

1986 – 2004

Flanagan appraisal company Supervising a staff of 10 residential appraisers , conventional and FHA Loans for mortgages Tax abatement, divorce and other types of appraisals





